January 25, 2025 Save The Date
January 25, 2025
10 am – 2 pm
Whitney Young Branch – Chicago Public Library
415 E 79th St, Chicago, IL
Health Fair
BLACK’s Dept. of Public Health in collaboration with our Rare Disease Education program, is hosting a health outreach program. This event will discuss, educate, and inclusively engage participants with varying backgrounds and life experience on the severity and reality of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), Asthma and COPD, Mental Health, Physical Fitness and more.
Our desire is to create awareness and educate the community about Sickle Cell Disease, its proper treatment/management as well as its prevention. A brief online survey regarding SCD is requested of all participants.
Browse the collection of health organizations exhibitors at this event while listening to presentations from health professionals.

Pfizer Rare Disease merges pioneering science with a deep understanding of the underlying disease pathology to deliver innovative treatments. With over three decades of experience in rare disease, our broad global rare disease portfolio aims to address the unmet medical needs across a number of therapeutic areas, including hematology, neurology, endocrinology, cardiology, and inherited metabolic diseases.

Health Fair
January 25, 2025
10 am – 2 pm
Whitney Young Branch – Chicago Public Library
415 E 79th St, Chicago, IL
Co-Sponsor This Event

You and any other representatives of your business would be most welcome to attend any of our events so that we could thank you personally for your support. The estimated audience of 300 (community residents, students, linked partners and BLACK’s Core Team) would benefit tremendously from your generosity. The gifts to sponsor the Health Fair would be $250, $500, $1000. We would be most appreciative of a telephone call to let me know of your interest. https://bit.ly/Contribute2BLACK

Exhibitors Welcome
We invite you to host a booth where you may share Health & Wellness related items and information to our attendees as one of our exhibitors and distribute “free” samples, printed materials or complimentary services. There is no fee for exhibitors, but a $_10.00__ minimum donation is appreciated.

Contact Our Department of Public Health
Ti'meshia Walton Info@2BLACKExcellence.org
Associate Director of Public Health