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Community Coalition

Street Engagement Teams


Legacy is led by African American civic and community leaders who share the common goal of improving the quality of life among African Americans.  Our work at the grassroots level to educate and engage communities and to provide neighborhood-based services and solutions addressing community problems. 


Youth-Led Participatory Action Research In YPAR projects, youth organizers identify a problem of concern, gather data about it, and then make recommendations for improvement.


• Young people begin by exploring social justice issues in their school, program, or community. They then choose a topic to explore in-depth.

• Once they have selected their problem of interest, they gain hands-on experiences in various research methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or documentary videos.

• As participants collect data from stakeholders to answer their research question, they also think strategically about how to create social change by building alliances with stakeholders.

• After identifying the main findings from their research, youth generate recommendations for change and advocate for their solutions.





Mental Health Challenges in the African American Community.


We’re looking for individuals (16-20 yrs) that have been challenged by COVID-19 or Systematic Racism or Violence in the community. Share your experience with symptoms of Depression, Stress, and low-self esteem. Participants will be in front of a camera with interview questions presented. They will also discuss how they were able to cope with their symptoms.



BLACK MEN address institutional racism in areas that include housing, education, employment and finances. Meetings focus on self-advocacy and rebuilding in the face of oppressive rules and policies.
In the fight for civil rights in America, BLACK WOMEN have steadily led the way for centuries. BLACK WOMEN led the Underground Railroad, were the unsung leaders of the suffrage movement, organized freedom riders, paved the way for constitutional protections against sex discrimination and remain the most consistent voting block in the United States to stand up for the rights of marginalized people. 

Hunger and Food Insecurity

Racial Injustice

Racial Equity


Police Accountability


At BLACK, we believe in the transformative power of unity and community. Every day, we witness the profound impact of collective action, and it all begins with the generosity of individuals like you. Your support can be the catalyst for change, the spark that ignites hope, and the force that propels us toward a brighter future.


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