Bee's 4 Jay's
Instead of complaining about the schools or blaming the parents, we decided to put together a spelling bee geared specifically towards minority students in 6th through 8th grades. Bee’s 4 Jay’s Spelling Competition is an annual event for our Youth Leadership & Development team. After watching the news we’ve seen hundreds standing in lines for shoes and thought “if they are willing to stand in line for shoes, maybe they would be willing to read for them” and that's where the Bee’s 4 Jay's concept was born.

Our mission, Building Leadership And Community Knowledge. In order to meet our mission and provide services in our community, we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of community-minded individuals just like you, we wouldn't be able to serve those in our community each year.
We ask that you make a commitment to support our annual appeal by making a cash donation. This quarter our goal is $10,000.00, and we hope that you will be able to make a contribution. Your generosity will make a difference in our community by allowing us to continue our work.
We have provided safe and secure online sites to make your contribution. Remember that every donation makes a difference, regardless of size.