By: Rohit Iyer
On January 6th, 2021, an unprecedented domestic terror attack occurred upon our nation’s capitol building. Five died and over 50 others were injured, leaving many to wonder how such an event could ever happen.
Perhaps some of the most striking scenes from the capitol riots was when news cameras caught capitol security guards and D.C Police officers ushering in an angry mob, waving for them to advance, and removing security gates, allowing rioters, some armed, to enter the temple of American democracy, disrupting the inevitable confirmation of President-Elect Joe Biden. This alarming allowance of rioters to enter what is normally a heavily armed and protected area especially raised questions given the near 180 degree turn of D.C police. On June 1st of 2020, a group of peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors gathered in Lafayette Park. Preachers handed out water, children ran around with their families, mothers held signs begging for reform. This was the definition of a peaceful protest against the plague of police brutality in America.
However, in the face of such a peaceful protest, members of the police in SWAT gear and riot gear in addition to military police converged upon the group of peaceful protestors with billy clubs, riot shields, smoke grenades and rubber bullets, clearing a path for President Trump to have a photoshoot in front of a nearby church. Following a detailed investigation by the Washington Post, it was concluded that zero escalating actions were taken by protesters, and rather, police and SWAT team officers immediately jumped to violent action.
This immediate and violent reaction by police stands in stark comparison to the belated and sluggish response by capitol police and the national guard to a clear threat on senators, congress people and democracy itself. Following the riots at the capitol, the FBI found loaded assault rifles, handguns and even pipe bombs. Yet, the response to arrest many of the domestic terrorists waited till after the assault on the capitol, and response has been slow. In the week following the attack, just over 100 arrests have been made.

(Per: Business Insider January 7th, 2021 → Number has since increased to beyond 100.)
These numbers are staggering, and are a clear indication that Black Lives Matter protesters are not and have not been treated equally and fairly. The discrepancy in Police responses to BLM protestors to rioters at the capitol is a clear indication of the major issues in America’s justice and policing system.