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Community Youth Councils
Youth have a valuable contribution to make to the effectiveness of their community and their involvement in the operation of the community is itself a valuable part of the education process for the youth. A Youth Council provides an opportunity for youth to engage in a structured partnership with Parent Leaders, parents and community organizations in the operation of their community. Research indicates that Youth Councils can improve academic standards and reduce dropout rates in schools.* Youth Councils can create a sense of ownership of the community and its activities among the student population.
The establishment of a Youth Council gives youth an opportunity to acquire the sort of communication, planning and organizational skills which will be of benefit to them in their future lives. It enables youth to take responsibility for projects and to demonstrate that they can manage and bring such projects to a successful conclusion. Moreover, the contribution made by a Youth Council to the development of community policy in a number of areas can have significant benefits for youth and the community. Community policies are far more likely to be successful where they are clearly understood and accepted by all partners within the community.
The main role of a Youth Council as set out in our strategic plan is "to promote the interests of the community and the involvement of youth in the affairs of the community, in co-operation with the organization, parents, educators and public officials".
The Youth Council will set its own objectives, which will vary from community to community. Some general objectives could include:
-To enhance communication between youth, community, educators and parents
-To promote an environment conducive to educational and personal development
-To promote friendship and respect among youth
-To support the community organizations and staff in the development of the community
-To represent the views of the youth on matters of general concern to them
Key functions of Youth Councils The functions and activities of a Youth Council should support the aims and objectives of the Council and promote the development of the community and the welfare of its youth. In planning and undertaking activities during the course of the year, the Council should:
work closely with civic officials, business owners, clergy, Parent Leaders and parents,
consult regularly with youth in the community, and
involve as many youth as possible in the activities of the Council.
Representing the views of the student body to the civic officials
This should be one of the fundamental aims of every Council. It involves talking and listening to the student body, considering their views and concerns, and discussing these with the civic officials on behalf of the youth.
Promoting good communications within the community
Improving communication within the community is a shared responsibility and a Youth Council can contribute to this process. Making presentations at community meetings to keep officials informed of activities, keeping an online Youth Council bulletin-board or organizing a regular newsletter are just some ways the Council can communicate with the youth, civic officials, CBO’s, and parents.

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